
2 Identical Cycles of Courses will be offered to Students, one after the other.

 8 -26 June in Catania / 29 June-3 July in Pisa

29 June-17 July in Catania/ 20-24 July in Pisa.

1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 

Date Calendar
Friday, June 5th orientation and registration
 in Catania.
Saturday, 6th to Sunday, June 7th trip to Etna vineyards.
Monday, June 8th to Friday, June 26th summer school classes in Catania
Friday, June 12th to Sunday, June 14th trip to Eolian Islands, staying at NerOssidiana residence in Lipari
Thursday, June 18th to Sunday, June 21st visit to Palermo; one day of classes will be held at the Palazzo Branciforte
Friday, June 26th summer school ends in Catania. Students will be travelling by plane to Pisa
Friday, June 26th arrival, orientation and registration in Pisa
Saturday, 27th to Sunday, June 28th trip to Florence and Lucca
Monday, 29th to Friday, July 3rd summer school classes in Pisa
Date Calendar
Friday, June 26th orientation and registration
 in Catania
Saturday, 27th to Sunday, June 28th trip to Etna vineyards
Monday, June 29th to Friday, July 17th summer school classes in Catania
Friday, July 3rd to Sunday, July 5th trip to Eolian Islands, staying at NerOssidiana residence in Lipari
Thursday, July 9th to Sunday, July 12th visit to Palermo; one day of classes will be held at the Palazzo Branciforte
Friday, July 17th summer school ends in Catania. Students will be travelling by plane to Pisa
Friday, July 17th arrival, orientation and registration in Pisa
Saturday, July 18th to Sunday, July 19th Florence and Lucca
Monday, 20th July to Friday, July 24th summer school classes in Pisa.

Mediterranean Food, Foodways and Gastronomy