Emanuela Panke (Gambero Rosso-Sicily)


After a degree in communication sciences at the University of Rome, she obtained a master’s degree in communication of typical and organic food at the University of Siena. She began her career in Paris, where she lived for two years working for an events organization agency; on returning to Italy,  she worked freelance in training and consulting in food marketing and became Deputy Director of the National Association of Wine Cities and General Secretary of the wine cultural route at the Council of Europe’s Iter Vitis, Les Chemins de La Vigne, specializing in the promotion of rural areas historically related to wine production.

She has worked for the promotion of Italian wine abroad, particularly in countries such as India, China and Russia with training activities targeted at buyers and opinion leaders. Since 2010 she has lived in Sicily permanently, having decided to dedicate herself to the region which has seen the greatest representativeness and unexpressed potential towards foreign markets. For the last two years she has been Director of the Strada del Vino dell’Etna and a Vice-president of the Strade del Vino di Sicilia. She is the General Manager of the Gambero Rosso in Sicily: a culinary school and events.

 Courses: Mediterranean Kitchen Basics: theory and techniques