Erica D’Amico is an archeologist of the Middle Ages, recently moving towards an interest in Food History. She has been Adjunct Professor at the Richmond University in Rome since 2012, teaching a course titled History of Food and Table Manners, and a course on Medieval Rome. She has recently been selected as Core participant of the fellowship seminar program titled ‘Framing Medieval Mediterranean Art: museums and archeology in national discourse’ sponsored by the AAR and the Getty Foundation. She is also currently working with the University of Pisa as consultant at the Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge. She has collaborated with the Ca’ Foscari University and the Professor of Medieval Archeology S. Gelichi in Venice. She holds a PhD in Archeology from Durham University (UK), completed in 2011. She has worked as an archeologist and pottery specialist in several projects in Italy and abroad and as a research assistant at the Center for Medieval Archeology of the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice since 2004.